Monday, October 25, 2010

Rowing as part of the concept2 " Skeleton Crew " challenge.
31,000m in a week, starting today.

Rowed 13,761m  today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

At station w/ Blaine did the following:

1 min work w/ 20 secs rest of the following movements
Wall Ball shots (20# ball 10 foot target)
Box Jumps
HPC w/ 95#
2 rounds w/ 1:40 break between rnds.

WB - 15/15
Burp - 14/15
BJ - 14/17
HPC - 20/29
Dub - 14/20

WB - 28/20
Burp - 20/18
BJ - 19/19
HPC - 25/20
Dub - 35/35

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

At the station with Blaine:

"800 Fran"
Thrusters  95 lbs
w/ 800 meter run each round before the Thrusters/Burpees
Blaine: 15:57
Me: 21:25
Run became too much of an active rest for me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

At The ZOO:
2 rnds of

1 min work w/ 20 secs rest of
Atlas Stone
Tire Flip
Farmers Carry
Tire Drag
Tire Toss
1:20 rest between rnds
No counting of reps, just fun!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Situp wallball shots w/ 20# ball
balls slams

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 rft of:
20 situps
30 ball slams
40 squats

Monday, October 11, 2010

At the station with Blaine;

Clean &Jerk  95 lbs
Box Jumps